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Thursday, July 22, 2010

Over-rated Swagger vs. Unlabeled Confidence

Ok, Soooooooooooooo people explain this to me......


I mean who can actually give me or anyone the definition of swagger?
I found out, just by asking random people in the hood, Lenox Mall, and DL feinds(NO NOT FRIENDS...FEINDS) get it right muhfluckkaz lol
...I found out that swagger is how you carry urself, its a certain "UMPH" that you have, your style, your persona, just in a nutshell how you carry urself....ok

hmmmmmm....that description sounds familiar right.....like idk...the word CONFIDENCE MAYBE..
HOW IN THE WORLD did the word confidence get morphed into the bullshit name "SWAGGER"...I just dont get that shit yo
I mean where ever i go, whether its to "RAINBOW FAM FRIENDLY" spots to mixed crowds, after hangin with me or speaking with me ppl have said that i have a certain swagger that is extremely catching, grabbing and on a "whole 'notha level"..im like um....wow..thanks but
FUKK YO SWAGGER, its just confidence...you can keep swagger my good sir and madam but confidence is the only word that seems to fit..

Everyone is Swagger this and Swagger that (yeah SWAGGER not SWAGGA) read a book bitches lmao
But do you really have Swagger homie and homette?
Why dont you say you are upstanding gentleman or woman and leave out that added on commercial nonsense also known as the word "SWAGGER"

WHY tag that to your name....
Get that ish atta hea..The word is sooooooo effin played out
I mean why do you feel the need to broadcast to everyone that you have soooooooo much SWAGGER?
Ok Ok homie ill put it to you this way...(WATCH THIS ONE YALL)

Swagger vs Unlabeled Confidence
I think the Unlabeled Confidence is the VICTOR here..
Why you say?.....
The Unlabeled Confidence is what one embodies without trying, without putting themselves on blast,
Its something one has without needing to let ppl know day in day out "YEAH NIGGA I GOT SWAGGER"
Bitch please my 2 year old nephew says he has swagger and he doesnt even know what the hell it is...Hell my nephew get surprised by his own fingers sometimes...* i dont think you catch what im sayin hea*
Im saying Swagger is just some bullshit people say to make themselves look a certain way...idk.."COOL" perhaps?
Get the hell atta hea...Swagger is just a word maine...empty meaning...
When you say u have swagger...Swagger is just another damn word for Confidence when you look at it..
but why cant u just say you have CONFIDENCE...why put that God forsaken word in its place
I dont fukk with swagger, I FUKKS WITH CONFIDENCE
but nah to the lame thats caught up in todays hip hop lingo and thats all they see, they couldnt even fathom or begin to comprehend that POWER of the word CONFIDENCE alone
*tsk damn tsk* am i mad? am i upset? am i irritable?
No.....Nah...YESSIR REE BOBBY I AM lmao
U can say yo swagger makes the girls love you,
Nah nigga its not your so called swagger its CONFIDENCE
Dont disguise the word with that swagger bullshit...Be real
Little do you know that when you rarely use certain hip hop savy words, quotes, phrases and lame "sayings that these rappers and bitches use", you dont know how much more attractive females get..
I dont say shit like that except for "IT IS WHAT IT IS" and thats it
WOMEN not girls, but WOMEN seem to like me because of my CONFIDENCE, how articulate i am, how engaged i am in what THEY have to say, how much of a challenge for their mental I AM...
I dont just give them bullshit to be fed bullshit back, oh nono no
I give them something to really think about, which in turn intrigues them, which in turn has them turned on to MY mental...and we proceed from their..
But never have i ever had to stoop to the level of swagger bwahahahahahahha
that garbage i can do without that my friend for shiggity doodahhh

SOooo put down ur Swagger, pick up ur Confidence and toast to the Truth cuz its top billing & ladies love it.....and once you taste that shit, its the best you eva had my nigg..the fukking best


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