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Thursday, July 22, 2010

Has Love taken a backseat to Lust?

**So i brought out my old book of thoughts and revelations and came upon this that i wrote like 3 years ago...Im posting it cuz well..I EFFIN WANT TO lmao**

When you hear Love whats the first thing you think about?
Ok, now that you've thought it...is that REALLY what you think love is?
or is it LUST...
Lets examine this shall we...
Lust is defined as : Coveting, passion, GREED,longing, yearning, hunger, etc...
Love is defined as: Attachment, affection, piety, devotion, passion etc.....
Love to me is the combination of Lust and the feeling of incapability of living without.
With those definitiions in place, notice 1 word is in BOTH......PASSION
*sigh* that God forsaken word
The trouble with this word is EVERYONE has a passion of some kind esp. for women
All of us do.
Thinking that this certain passion, this jolt of energy within us, is telling us that SHE is a sure thing, SHE is all that I've wanted, SHE is THIS THAT n THE OTHER
What we fail to realize is that we confuse the passion in LUST, with passion in LOVE...
Yeah bet ya didnt see that coming..NO ONE ever does
**Follow me on this People**
These days, WE are driven by LUST, pushing our hearts out in the open like our friends pushing us out in the open to fight someone *yeah just like that*
Blinded by words with hidden meanings,
Blinded by empty hearts, that claim to give you everyting it has...which is NOTHING...
Most of all Blinded by the physical attraction that can quickly leave one stranded on the deserted island of " HOW,WHY and WHEN THE FUKK DID I GET HERE?"
Eyesight distorted by the Mirage of Pure Perfection..
**Am I making you think?**
there is NO perfection..except in the Heavens above but, down here nigga we farrrrr from perfect..
Love is desired by ALL, wanted by all, longed for by all
and we expect it to be provided to us by those who really arent worthy
**We call these ppl ENABLERS**
Those who seek to destroy you, mentally, emotionally, and physically for their own gain, and horrid satisfaction
We are driven by Lust in the beginning..I am, You are, She is, He is..EVERYONE IS..
Love is something is attained through growth and relentless and fierce vigor to make it happen
But we meer mortals let OURSELVES down and accept BullShit that is thrown our way in the quest for love
Why do we do this to ourselves?
Why do we subject ourselves to the pain and hurt for something that just seems to torture and scold us with its intense flames of deceit, and selfishness
We do it because.....Like i stated before...*watch this now*
LOVE to me is :""the feeling of incapability of living without."
Yeah we all have our OWN definitions and meanings of love but 8 times out of 10 we are not far off from what others interperet love to be to them..
Because we hurt and go through garbage situations because of this thing called LOVE,
Some of us just say these 2 words.....ahem..." FUCK IT"
when those words are spoken, it seems like we've reached the end right??
If the opportunity returns to us from something that "ONCE WAS"
we allow it back in, optimistically thinking and hoping for a change
I myself am guilty of this, no its not a sickness like we hope it is so we can get over it quick,
But its friggin LIFE
it happens, and SHIT happens
The lesson we should learn from BEFORE is to think with our fucking heads and not our pussys, and hearts all the time..
Know when you are being CON'ed people
Dont you think we've been fukked around enough
But even tho change WILL come good or bad,
sometimes that "FUKK IT" shit begins to REEEALLY have some meaning..
just that.....FUCK IT
and LUST becomes the victor
LUST becomes the DRIVER and LOVE is the PASSENGER in the backseat n maybe locked in the trunk
The Pussy Brain begins to take over your actual mind and one thing is all ur out to get....PUSSAAAAYYYY
No more looking for love, No more emotional trips, No more attachments
Its all about getting what you want, whenever, and from whoevers cute and willing to give up the tastey monkey
*tsk tsk* but hey like i said IT HAPPENS, and SHIT HAPPENS...
Lust consumes you, and its all you want
Many studs go through this without a second thought, and its probably due to past relationships leaving them fucked up
Same thing goes for Femmes...its a shame the things LUST n LOVE make us do
Letting down our boundaries, only to be hurt
Its NOT our intention but it happens
How is it that Lust is sooooo strong?
Is it because it can get immediate results and require less work?
Or is it just because WE CAN DO THAT? lmao
Some people have told me that sometimes you have to put love aside and focus on what you want at the time, why get attched so soon?hm
I guess We all will just remain backseat drivers and let LUST take us where ever IT wants us to go........


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